chalice26's Diaryland Diary


A little Queasy

I'm feeling a lot better today (except for the cramps), because I finally started my period and it seems like I'm really getting well.
I found my old camera, so I'm able to take pictures again and I decided to see if my store will get me a file recovery system instead of a new card. Apparently I can reformat my card and I'll lose all of my files, but if I can recover them, I don't need a new card. Who knows if it'll work or not, but for 500 pictures of all of my holidays it's worth a shot.
Luis helped me out a lot today. He got up and took care of her and the puppy so I could sleep in. That was nice. I need to go clean out her bathtub, because I just washed the puppy in there.
Lisa's going to watch her so I can go to work on time. Monday we have the second try for the hearing test and then I have her teacher coming over on tues and speech therapy and playgroup on wed. I'm not working, though, so I'm not too worried about it.
I looked into thyroid and hormone imbalances today and it's starting to seem like that's where the problem is. So next month when I go see my Dr., I'm going to have all my bloodwork done again and check the hormone levels too. Maybe I can get off these pills if I get my hormones fixed.
I feel queasy.

2:46 p.m. - 2008-01-19

Same Old Thing - 2011-08-28
The ex-virgin - 2009-07-05
Wilson's Syndrome - 2009-03-12
Diet Notes - 2009-03-10
Naughty Tree - 2009-02-27


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