chalice26's Diaryland Diary


Obsolete booty....

Last night I was all set up to have this talking with Paul. I sort of managed to hint around about it, and then I got drunk and forgot. The talk went like this:

Him-Oh, I went in and found out I don't go back to work 'til the 20th.

Me-I hope you don't think you're going to spend every single second of that time with me.

Him-Oh, so you're getting sick of me already.

Me-Pretty much.


Me-I'm more used to being on my own now.

Drinks, friends, etc. showed up and so that was pretty much the whole thing--yeah, I know, took a lot out of me...this honesty thing really breaks a sweat sometimes! But on a more serious note, I saw Luis at lunch yesterday and he was saying that his girlfriend will pretty soon be out of the picture, but I know that to be not the case. I mean, she'll be gone to college, but not forgotten, by any means. And I think he would like it if I clean up my end so I can do better filling in her gaps! Um, no. No I can't. Don't think so. Don't want to. Don't want to be fed a line of bull. I think if I was really a priority, I would feel like one. Right now I feel like a booty call that's obsolete. Wonderful!

12:29 p.m. - 2003-07-10

Same Old Thing - 2011-08-28
The ex-virgin - 2009-07-05
Wilson's Syndrome - 2009-03-12
Diet Notes - 2009-03-10
Naughty Tree - 2009-02-27


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