chalice26's Diaryland Diary



Lately I've seen a lot of magazine articles with headlines that imply that it's okay to be fat. Like "Bigger bodies are back" and "Sexy at any size" and it seems really sad. The people who are bothered by society's height/weight standards are the ones that don't fit in to them. I don't think there are a lot of 5'9" size 6 women out there complaining about the "impossible standards."

It really boils down to knowing you look good. If you look good, it doesn't matter what size you are, but I think it is implied that if you are a size 14 you can be sexy, but I'm saying you have to be sexy to be sexy. It's not true to say, "Size 14 is sexy, you are a size 14, and therefore you are sexy." I've never heard a tall thin woman say "Men like something to grab on to," or "Men like a girl with meat on her bones." But every overweight friend I've ever had has said that.

People know when they look good. They should be willing to acknowledge when they don't, instead of running around spouting off canned phrases they heard or read in magazines (that they know don't really apply to them).

I honestly don't think that my self-esteem is tied up in other people's impressions of me. I never listen to people's praise or criticism of the way I look, because I think I know to what degree I look like I want to look, and they have no idea where I'm headed physically or where I come from.

Ever since I sort of pioneered the A. diet at my job, people have thought my weight, my looks, my size were fitting conversation topics. I have been called "Skinny" (which I am totally not), hailed as the will-power queen, and warned against losing more weight (because I look just right now). It's like my weight has become an interractive sport.

The truth is I'm aiming to be skinny, because that's how I like to look. Everyone has a preference, mine is skinny, bony even. I've always felt better being smaller. Right about when everyone starts saying I'm "too skinny" is when I feel the most comfortable.

So the point of all this is that I wish more people would acknowledge what they want to look like (whatever that may be) gauge where they are in comparison to this, and then take the steps they need to modify it. I'm tired of people complaining (about society's impossible standards) instead of being proactive, and causing an impact on their own lives.

Would anyone really be happy if fat rolls and acne became "in-style"? I'm not even sure that over-weight people with bad skin would appreciate that. Why should society lower it's standards so that we as individuals don't have to raise ours?

1:14 p.m. - 2002-10-15

Same Old Thing - 2011-08-28
The ex-virgin - 2009-07-05
Wilson's Syndrome - 2009-03-12
Diet Notes - 2009-03-10
Naughty Tree - 2009-02-27


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