chalice26's Diaryland Diary


Horrible, for real.

A while ago I said I was going to get off of these anti-depressants, but I was having a hard time (and not obese yet) so I gave up. Lately I've been taking them an hour later each day so that eventually I can give them up. I also started back on the Atkins and have been good for two days. Now, though, the scale says 225! I'm going to commit suicide if it doesn't start going the other direction soon! Last time I weighed this much I was 9 months pregnant!!! ugh...
I've mostly just been lonely and bored. I don't like my life right now, but I don't do anything it would take to make it better. To me that is what depression feels like, so why am I even like this right now??? I can be thinner and depressed without these pills. The whole thing just drives me crazy. I have no idea how this happened in like 5 months, so my best ideas on how to fix it aren't very good.
I should be in bed. I have so many bothersome things to do tomorrow and losing sleep will not make them any easier.

11:14 p.m. - 2008-03-20

Same Old Thing - 2011-08-28
The ex-virgin - 2009-07-05
Wilson's Syndrome - 2009-03-12
Diet Notes - 2009-03-10
Naughty Tree - 2009-02-27


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